Customer Satisfaction Towards The Services of Kingkarn Transport Co., Ltd.
Main Article Content
The objective of this research is to study customer satisfaction with the
services of Kingkan Transport Company Limited. This study has the objective.
1) To study personal information of customers who use the services of Kingkan
Transport Company Limited. 2) To study the level of customer satisfaction
with the services of Kingkan Transport Company Limited. 3) To Comparative
study of customer satisfaction with the services of Kingkan Transport Company
Limited, classified according to the nature of customer personal information in
order to By studying the ability to provide services Inferential statistical
analysis and collect data To test the assumptions in the analysis using
statistics (One-Way ANOVA).
The results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1.
Analysis of personal data. From the results of the data analysis, it was found
that the majority were males, 156 people, accounting for 60 percent, females,
104 people, accounting for 40 percent, with the majority being 25 - 34 years
old, 65.5 percent, with the highest value. Followed by those aged 45 years
and over, 30.0 percent, respectively, and those aged 15 - 24 years, 10.0
percent, with the highest level of education having a bachelor's degree, 33.8
percent. Followed by a master's degree, 33.1 percent, respectively, and a
doctoral degree, 11.9 percent, and most have Monthly income 20,001 -30,000-baht, 34.6 percent, opinions by different service quality There are different
opinions regarding satisfaction with the services of Kingkan Transport Co., Ltd.
Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
Article Details
จตุพร เพียรสุภาพ ชัชชัย สุจริต และภาศิริ เขตปิยรัตน์. (2562). คุณภาพบริการและความพึงพอใจที่ส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจใช้บริการรถเครนของ บริษัท อี เอช แอล เครน. คณะวิทยาการจัดการ,มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์.
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Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 6(2): 203-214