Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology <p><strong>Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology</strong></p> <p>Bansomdej Journal of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University is a journal that disseminates knowledge in engineering, industry, technology, logistics, product design and development, and other related fields. Produced by the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University since 2020.</p> <p>The <strong>Journal of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University</strong>, aims to serve as a platform for disseminating <strong>research articles</strong> and <strong>review articles</strong> authored by faculty members, students, and scholars both within and outside the institution. The journal welcomes articles covering topics in <strong>engineering, industrial technology, logistics, product design and development</strong>, and other related fields. All submitted articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process by at least <strong>three expert reviewers</strong> from various institutions, following the <strong>double-blind peer review</strong> system. There are <strong>no publication fees</strong> at any stage of the submission or review process. The journal is published <strong>twice a year</strong> as per the following schedule:</p> <p>Issue 1: January-June of each year</p> <p>Issue 2: July-December of each year</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="คำแปล" aria-label="ข้อความที่แปล: There is a scope of academic work and research in engineering, industry, technology, logistics, product design and development, and other fields. related" data-ved="2ahUKEwjSg5_biOOLAxU3SmwGHc2QDBkQ3ewLegQIDBAW"> </pre> คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรFaculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology , Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University en-US Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 3027-8716 Development of elements of clothing laboratory management in Shaanxi Fashion Engineering University <p>This study aims to explore in- depth the management needs of the<br />clothing laboratory at Shaanxi Fashion Engineering University. To achieve this,<br />we designed and conducted a questionnaire survey involving 282 clothing major<br />students and 78 teachers from the Fashion Institute. After completing data<br />collection, we applied rigorous procedures to process and analyze the data.<br />Statistical methods, including calculating the mean and standard deviation,<br />were used to quantitatively analyze the survey data and ensure accurate and<br />objective conclusions. And review by 6 experts.<br />The study identified eight key elements: 1) laboratory equipment<br />management, 2) data and document management, 3) laboratory access<br />management, 4) consumables management, 5) environment management, 6)<br />personnel management, 7) safety management, and 8) system management.<br />These eight elements comprehensively cover the management and<br />optimization of clothing laboratories in higher education institutions. From the<br />intelligent management of equipment, data, and documents to the precise<br />control of laboratory access, consumables, and environment, as well as<br />personnel training and incentives, the enhancement of safety protocols, and<br />the continuous improvement of management systems, these aspects<br />collectively promote the development of laboratories toward greater efficiency,<br />safety, and environmental sustainability.</p> Li Jiao Soisuda Lohmood Supaporn Khangkham Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 1 8 Development of fried chili Tom Yum flavored packaging, according to packaging design standards, Case study: Fried chili establishment Samut Sakhon Province <p>Packaging design is important for business. Designing a standard package<br />that is outstanding will attract consumers' attention, which will affect sales. This<br />research is on the development of fried chili Tom Yum flavored packaging<br />according to packaging design standards. Case study: Fried chili establishment<br />Samut Sakhon Province. Objectives 1) study the fried chili packaging design of<br />the establishment and 2) design fried chili packaging according to packaging<br />design standards. The researcher collected data using interview forms and<br />observation forms and used packaging design principles to design fried chili<br />packaging. Research results: The original design of the establishment's fried chili<br />packaging is packaged in a normal clear ziplock plastic bag, which is not<br />outstanding and does not comply with packaging design principles. The<br />researchers designed two pieces of packaging, an individual package and an<br />inner package. Number of models: 2 and presented them to the establishment.<br />The establishment selected the first form of packaging. After the establishment<br />used the developed packaging, it could increase sales of fried chili products by<br />10,000 grams/month.</p> Hathairat Theerakarn Nukul Sarawong Achara Pongpittaya Soisuda Lohmood Chumpol Inmanee Nattachai Plienvijarn Jaturong Sarawong Aunya Ampai Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 9 22 Design and Development of Dry Corn Peeling Machine to Enhance the Efficiency of the Corn Production Process for Animal Feed <p>This research is conducted with the objective of designing and<br />developing a dry corn peeling machine for the corn production process in<br />animal feed. The machine is designed and built with a simple inclined corn<br />container, allowing the corn to flow smoothly without blockage. It uses a motor<br />to drive a belt and gears to transfer power from the pulley to the shaft, replacing<br />manual labor, which incurs high labor costs and can only peel 5 cobs per<br />minute, while also facing labor shortages. The results of testing the dry corn<br />peeling machine showed that the machine has a suitable size, is made from<br />strong and durable materials, and can peel dry corn with a moisture content<br />between 20-25% at a rate of 10 cobs per minute. This meets the set objectives<br />and is suitable for small-scale household industries.</p> Kwanchai Saeweenan hathairat ketmaneechairat Sopida Tuammee Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 23 38 Waste Reduction in Wooden Furniture Manufacturing to Enhance Logistics Efficiency Using Design of Experiments <p>This study aims to 1) investigate the effects of wood type, wood<br />thickness, and cutting speed on the defect rate in the production process of<br />wooden furniture, and 2) determine the optimal cutting speed and wood<br />thickness to minimize the defect rate for each type of wood. Prior to<br />improvement, the average defect rate was 8. 37%, corresponding to a loss of<br />26,080 THB per month. The analysis utilized the General Linear Model ( GLM)<br />and Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA) to evaluate the effects of the three factors.<br />The results indicated that all factors significantly influenced the defect rate. The<br />optimal parameters identified were a cutting speed of 75 revolutions per minute<br />( RPM) and a wood thickness of 12 mm for both bagasse wood and particle<br />board. After implementing these improvements, the defect rate decreased to<br />3.52%, corresponding to a reduced loss of 9,338 THB per month, representing a<br />decrease of 16,742 THB or 64.19%. These findings demonstrate the efficiency of<br />using experimental design to reduce defects, lower storage costs, and minimize<br />time spent on corrective processes. Additionally, it alleviates the burden of<br />managing wasted resources, enhancing the logistics system's capability to meet<br />market demands efficiently and promptly.</p> Nithit Puntanagornpat Burim Nilpan Naphob Saisuwan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 39 52 The Analysis Factor Effecting the User Satisfaction in Software Project using Data Mining Techniques <p>This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the satisfaction of users participating in software projects. The data was analyzed from 191 projects with 71 factors by using data mining techniques. The methodology consisted of three main steps: 1) Preparation of information, 2) Factor selection using feature selection techniques: Correlation, Chi-Square, Forward, Backward Elimination, Evolutionary, Information Gain, and Gain Ratio, and 3) Efficiency test by using Backpropagation Neural Network Model.</p> <p>The results of the research were as follows: The result revealed that 33 factors from the Evolutionary technique provided the highest predictive percentage at 90.61. The result can be employed as basic information for software project implementation to satisfy users and applied as data to develop a more effective satisfaction predictive model.</p> Pornthip Liewtrakul Katawut Kaewbanjong Chatchanan Iniam Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 53 70 An Analysis of factors impacting the export of coconuts in Thailand <p>This research aims to (1) study the coconut export situation of Thailand,<br />(2) identify factors affecting coconut exports from Thailand, and (3) analyze the<br />factors affecting coconut exports from Thailand using Multiple Regression<br />Analysis. The data used in the study are secondary data from the open<br />government data accounting system, with monthly data from January 2016 to<br />December 2023, covering a period of 84 months. From the literature review, the<br />researcher identified the factors related to coconut exports from Thailand<br />(independent variables), which include coconut export prices, export value,<br />rainfall, average temperature, and exchange rates. The dependent variable is<br />the volume of Thailand's coconut exports. The research findings show that three<br />factors significantly affect the volume of Thailand's coconut exports at the 0.05<br />significance level: export value, coconut export prices, and rainfall. Additionally,<br />it was found that the export value of Thai coconuts to foreign countries has<br />shown a clear upward trend every year. This information will be useful to<br />investors in the coconut business, both in the public and private sectors, to<br />mitigate risks from factors that impact the export of this product.</p> hathairat ketmaneechairat Sopida Tuammee Chanidapa Boontia Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 71 84