Time Reduction in Laundry Process

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โสภิดา ท้วมมี
ปิยะ รนต์ละออง
ภาษิต ทินนาม
พิชฎาตา ผลพูล
พีระพงษ์ ยืนยงชัยวัฒน์
พลกฤต กลั่นแก้วดำรง
ยศวัจน์ ชีววรนนท์ตรี


The purpose of this research is to reduce the time spent ironing the laundry sheets and analyze the cause of the defect to improve the rolling process. To reduce the loss of time, the stage of research studies the laundry process to analyze for possible causes that may result in delays. In the rolling process, a total of 10 working cycles were calculated and the appropriate number of cycles was determined at a 95 percent confidence level and 5 percent error by counting both before and after improving in the analysis of
the problem which classifies by using the cause and effect charts and questioning techniques. The result can reduce workflow time and find the standard time of the bedsheets process. The standard was 17,793 seconds and 13,913 seconds after improvement. After the process improving, reduced to 3,880 seconds and representing is 21.81 percent.

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How to Cite
ท้วมมี โ. ., รนต์ละออง ป. ., ทินนาม ภ. ., ผลพูล พ. ., ยืนยงชัยวัฒน์ พ. ., กลั่นแก้วดำรง พ. ., & ชีววรนนท์ตรี ย. . (2020). Time Reduction in Laundry Process. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(2), 25–34. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/4836
Research Artical


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