A Study the Wear Behavior of Pin-on-Disc Testing on Dry lubricant condition

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พิศุทธิ์ หวั่นหนู
ฤทธิเดช ดิษราธร
ไสว ศิริทองถาวร


    Preventive maintenance of large-scale residential central utilities can affect to equipment's failure risk and resident satisfaction. As a result, preventive maintenance planning can be adopted as a tool to prevent or mitigate these problems. This study is an action research with three objectives: 1) to study the machine and equipment conditions of the swimming pool control system; 2) to prepare a preventive maintenance plan for the swimming pool control system; and 3) to compare the preventive maintenance effectiveness of the swimming pool control system, the Parkland Charan- Pinklao project. The swimming pool control system in this study includes 1) sand filter tank, 2) water pump, 3) salt chlorine generator, and 4) pool's lighting system controller The research process is composed of studying the existing breakdown incidents, analyzing the root cause of the problems, making a preventive maintenance plan, implementing the plan for 1 month, and comparing the maintenance effectiveness before and after the plan implementation. The results of the research showed that a preventive maintenance plan has been adopted from reviewing the system's historical breakdown data and maintenance guidelines from the instruction manuals. The maintenance plan is categorized into 9 items of short-term, 7 items of medium-term, and 4 items of long-term plans, i.e. 20 items in total. In general, the system has better maintenance effectiveness after implementing the maintenance plan

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How to Cite
หวั่นหนู พ. ., ดิษราธร ฤ. ., & ศิริทองถาวร ไ. . (2020). A Study the Wear Behavior of Pin-on-Disc Testing on Dry lubricant condition. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(2), 35–49. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/4788
Research Artical


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