Strategic process for product planning, forecasting and storage of Saha Pathanapibul Public Company Limited

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Spared Chairob
Yodying phuprasert
Kringsak Changbang
Apichart Srirattana-aram
Nattapong Tamkaew
Sukanta Mantana
Kanjathaporn Thongpila


This study is a cooperative research study on Saha Pathanapibul Public Company Limited focusing on planning, forecasting, and replenishment. Main objective is to study the cooperation of Saha Pathanapibul and Top Super Market the Mall department store and Aeon. Methodology is qualitative highlighting on the study process, and the relationships with the supply chain. Population are divided into two groups; the first are the executives, including sales and marketing,  the second is operational employees including sales and marketing staff. Research tools are interview and content analysis. All information gathered was transformed into an operational diagram of the operation. The results show that partner relationships improved within the three major firms. Most of the sales meet the goals of the company. Sales growth can be identified as affecting growth such that the overall inventory level of all stores is under a limit of not more than 25 days. The inventory level of Lipon F dishwashers and Mama Noodles in the Mall department store had drop. As a result, the department store has ability to reduce the level of stock and replenishment level and lastly, the service level of all 3 firms is in the range of more than 90% accomplishment.


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How to Cite
Chairob , S. ., phuprasert , Y. . ., Changbang, K. . ., Srirattana-aram , A. . ., Tamkaew, N. ., Mantana, S. ., & Thongpila, K. . . (2021). Strategic process for product planning, forecasting and storage of Saha Pathanapibul Public Company Limited. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(1), 89–104. retrieved from
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