Work study to improving efficiency the printing process on refrigerator air vent

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ณัฐรดา ปุณธนกรภัทร์
นิธิศ ปุณธนกรภัทร์


The objective of this research is 1) to study the process of printing on the freezer air vent 2) to increase the efficiency of the process of printing on the freezer air vent. Which the freezer manufacturing industry in this case study to reduce production costs and improve the freezer air vent process. Currently, there are four operators who spend their time in air vent. And packing takes an average of 896 seconds per piece Based on study theory And improve work by applying the principles of ECRS By creating a trolley (Simplify) and reordering the process of printing the freezer air vent (Rearrange) after improvement, it was found that the printing process of the freezer air vent has been reduced from 9 steps down to 6 steps can be reduced to 3 steps, representing 33.33%. The operating time of the freezer air vent printing process can be reduced from 896 seconds per piece, reduced to 167 seconds per piece. The time is 762 seconds per piece, or 12.7 minutes per piece, representing 82.02%. Can reduce the number of employees in the process of printing the freezer air vent, from the original use of 4 people reduced to 3 people can reduce the number of employees Get 1 person, accounting for 25 percent and able to reduce labor costs by 9,000 baht per month, accounting for 25 percent


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How to Cite
ปุณธนกรภัทร์ ณ. and ปุณธนกรภัทร์ น. 2021. Work study to improving efficiency the printing process on refrigerator air vent. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology. 2, 1 (Jun. 2021), 43–53.
Research Artical


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