The Design of Furniture Product from Bamboo scraps

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วชิรศักดิ์ เขียนวงศ์
ราชนิรันดร์ ดวงชัย
ชัยวัฒน์ สุวรรณอ่อน
จักฤษณ์ พนาลี
พิเชฐ มีมะแม


This research is mixed methods. A research team has 3 objectives which are 1) To study the local knowledge and current problems of community products 2) To study for designing and develop products from bamboo scraps with current lifestyles. The procedure is conducted by researching relevant documents and using data collection in interview and product evaluation. The sample group is chosen by purposive sampling from employees who live in condominiums in Bangkok with 30-40 years old about 30 people.

From the results of the study, Cognitive skills and wisdom of the community were passed on from generation to generation. The production process and technology were produced according to the form of traditional wisdom. The main materials were Rough Giant Bamboo. The problem was lack of appropriate and continual management with waste in the process that would affect the environment and community. The researchers designed products from bamboo scraps. The evaluation results showed the suitability of the developed products in the first three that were 1) The suitability of applying bamboo for designing products had average value of  4.47 with high level. 2) The reasonable price had average value of  4.23 with high level. And 3) Convenience in moving had average value of 4.17 with high level. Overall of the satisfaction assessment form of 15 issues were evaluated with an average of 4.00. The satisfaction assessment was appropriate level with statistical significance.

This research indicates that furniture products from bamboo scraps can be used as guideline for products development that increase community economic value and create income, including career channels sustainably.


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How to Cite
เขียนวงศ์ ว. ., ดวงชัย ร. ., สุวรรณอ่อน ช. ., พนาลี จ. ., & มีมะแม พ. . (2020). The Design of Furniture Product from Bamboo scraps. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(1), 86–96. retrieved from
Research Artical


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