Design and construction of air cylinder, coil clamp, vehicle clamp

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ธวัชชัย พงษ์สนาม
ชัชนันท์ อินเอื่ยม
สุรพงษ์ รามัญจิตต์
นางสาวสุกัญญา ภูอาลัย
นายนลธวัช นิลไธสง


Design and fabrication of air cylinder, coil clamp, vehicle clamp using the pneumatic cylinder clamped into the mold block. And use the control box set with the pulley, metal stamping machine Let the machine work automatically The results of the experiment showed that Pneumatic cylinder
installation in metal stamping machine Has to work faster. From a model that does not install a pneumatic cylinder It takes less than 1 minute to produce the workpiece. It can produce 6 pieces and the production speed is equipped
with a pneumatic cylinder. It takes less than 1 minute to produce the workpiece, can produce 12 pieces and count the total production in 1 month. Installed pneumatic cylinder can work pieces 138,418 pieces with a good
amount of 129,501. And 8,917 pieces of waste without pneumatic cylinder installed, can work 69,128 pieces with 51,106 pieces of good and 18,022 pieces of waste. When both types are used, the percentage results are calculated in 100%. Peak wind of good at 93.56%, waste at 6.44% without air cylinder, good at 73.93%, waste at 26.07%.

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พงษ์สนาม ธ. ., อินเอื่ยม ช. ., รามัญจิตต์ ส. ., ภูอาลัย น. ., & นิลไธสง น. . (2020). Design and construction of air cylinder, coil clamp, vehicle clamp. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(2), 50–62. retrieved from
Research Artical


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