Guidelines for An Efficiency Improvement for Warehouse Management by Renovation of Warehouse Layout : A Case Study of Thong Chen Electric Cable and Wire Company Limited

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นัชชา พุกกำเนิด
จุฑาทิพย์ พุทธเคน
ณัฐชัย เปลี่ยนวิจารณ์
หทัยรัตน์ ธีระกาญจน์
อัจฉรา ผ่องพิทยา


This research is to find ways to increase warehouse management efficiency by improving the warehouse layout, a case study of Thong Cheng Electric Cable and Wire Company Limited, with the objective to increase warehouse management efficiency. From the case study company found that currently, there are the limited spaces in the storage and the warehouse management system was unsystematic which results the inconvenience in finding products, taking a long time to search for the products, causing delay for the delivery of products. In this research, the researchers have studied the current warehouse layout and the documents recording product catalogs for a period of 3 months. The researchers used Microsoft Excel to calculate the product groups according to ABC Analysis and using Warehouse Layout Plan, where Fast Mover Closest to the Door together with the layout of products according to the fixed location system In addition, there are also products identification tags to come to help control the product First In - First Out. The results of the research found that P60 products have a distance of 35 meters, representing 6.89% and P90 products have a distance of 14.6 meters, equivalent to 2.69%.

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พุกกำเนิด น. ., พุทธเคน จ. ., เปลี่ยนวิจารณ์ ณ. ., ธีระกาญจน์ ห. ., & ผ่องพิทยา อ. . (2020). Guidelines for An Efficiency Improvement for Warehouse Management by Renovation of Warehouse Layout : A Case Study of Thong Chen Electric Cable and Wire Company Limited. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(2), 63–79. retrieved from
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