Development of Learning Management for Promoting Research Article Publication of the Industrial Management Program’s Students, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University

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ไสว ศิริทองถาวร


The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate the existing learning management levels of the ‘Industrial Management Research’ course in order to promote the research article publication, and 2) to make proposals for
development of learning management for promoting the research article publication. Population in this study included 43 third-year students undertaking the industrial management research course of the industrial management program, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Research instrument consisted of questionnaire and meeting report. Quantitative data was analyzed by statistical tools; whereas qualitative data used content
analysis, and meeting resolution. Results showed that, firstly, the overall average of existing learning management levels for promoting the students’ research article publication was equal to 3.42 from 5-level Likert rating scales, classified as a moderate level. The categorical averages of learning management levels sorted in descending order were as follows: learning environment and climate management, learning techniques and activities, learning management planning, learning media and innovation, and learning measurement and evaluation. Secondly, learning management development proposals for promoting the research article publication could be concluded as following. The learner performance should be measured and evaluated in order to help develop learners individually. Choices for learning innovation or resources should be opened according to the interests and research topics of students. Major leaning activities should include teachers’ comments and use of challenging questions. In addition, students’ confidential enhancement and learning flexibility should be adopted to strengthen learning climate.

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How to Cite
ศิริทองถาวร ไ. . (2020). Development of Learning Management for Promoting Research Article Publication of the Industrial Management Program’s Students, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(2), 80–95. retrieved from
Research Artical


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