The value chain and the global supply chain of the future business

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Nattapong Taekaew
Anusorn Srisawat
Sukanta Mantana
Saowanit Hukampang
Orawan Wongsiwilai
Theerapha Klomkaew
Kanjataporn Tongpila
Siriporn Tattavee


Value Chain and Supply Chain production process until delivery to customers or consumers as well in summary, Value Chain focuses on creating trade advantages that superior to competitors able to satisfy customers or consumers and agree to pay for goods or services that is different from the supply chain (Supply Chain) that focuses on the efficiency of each production. Procedures as well as forwarding to consumers Value Chain Analysis Value Chain Analysis is the analysis of activities in the production process. Product or service to consider what should be done to increase the value of that product or service from the point of view of the consumer or call it Value Creation before analyzing it. value chain must consider each point in the value chain and determine the activities that occur Set aside appropriate intervals to be able to look for opportunities in that activity. According to Michael E. Porter's Value Chain Theory, the key objective of Value Chain is to look for opportunities to be competitive, starting with setting goals. or the desired result and then determine the main activities (Primary Activities) that should occur to achieve that goal or outcome It is considered an important body of knowledge in running a successful business. The key factor for the success of a trade or service is It is the ability to Attract consumers to choose to buy or use the service. By delivering the value of the product/service that can create Satisfied with consumers and when different business images appear in the free trade market and competitive conditions drive entrepreneurs to create an advantage.

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How to Cite
Taekaew, N. ., Srisawat, A. ., Mantana, S. ., Hukampang, S. ., Wongsiwilai, O. ., Klomkaew, T. ., Tongpila, K. ., & Tattavee, S. . (2021). The value chain and the global supply chain of the future business. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(2), 115–131. retrieved from
Academic Article


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