The development of cargo handling equipment to the finished goods cold storage warehouse, Case study of meat processing and trimming industry

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Nithit Punthanakoraphat
Chamathorn Kuisrikul
Naphob Saisuwan
Burim Nilpan


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the process of transportation for storage of goods to the finished goods cold storage warehouse; 2) to develop equipment to assist in transporting goods to the finished goods cold storage warehouse. In this research, the problem was found in the transport staff to store the goods to the finished goods cold storage warehouse. did not follow the established standards in addition, the area within the processing plant has many slopes. causing the problem of using the transportation time to store the goods to the cold storage warehouse for the finished goods for a long time and found that the average value of waste generated from the storage of goods to the finished goods cold storage warehouse was high. In this research, the equipment for loading goods to the finished goods cold storage warehouse according to the ECRS principle was developed to improve the trolley. To use more convenient (Simplify) as well as use the idea to increase productivity. After improvement, it can reduce the time it takes to store goods to the cold storage warehouse before improvement, taking 4.37 hours per day. after improvement, reduced to 3.38 hours per day The time can be reduced by 0.99 hours per day or 22.65% and can reduce the average value of waste generated from storing goods to the finished goods cold storage warehouse. Before the renovation, the average damage value was 3,263 baht per month, after the renovation, no damage was found. 100 percent

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How to Cite
Punthanakoraphat, N. ., Kuisrikul, C. ., Saisuwan, N. ., & Nilpan, B. . (2021). The development of cargo handling equipment to the finished goods cold storage warehouse, Case study of meat processing and trimming industry. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(2), 60–73. retrieved from
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