Manufacturing Process Improvements by Line Balancing Technic: Case Study of Athletic Shoes Manufacturing Process

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Pasit Tinnam
Piya Rontlaong
สุวภัทร ตั้งผลพูล
Peerapong Yuenyongchaiwat
Pholakrit Klunkaewdamrong
Supapat Phuangkaew


The objectives of this research are to increase the efficiency and reduce standard time of manufacturing process: a case study of Athletic shoes Manufacturing Process. The researcher conducted a preliminary study by using work study and time study techniques. Cause and effect diagram was used to find out the cause of problem. After that, the researcher designed equipment to assist in the production process and suggested two technics for line balancing, largest candidate rule and rank positional weight method. From the above approach, it was able to reduce the standard time from 1,380.90 seconds to 1,258.77 seconds or 60.13 seconds reduced to 4.6 percent, increase the efficiency of the production line from 63.31 to 87.6 percent or 24.5 percent and reduce the work station from 10 work stations to 8 work stations.

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How to Cite
Tinnam, P. ., Rontlaong, P. ., ตั้งผลพูล ส. ., Yuenyongchaiwat, P. ., Klunkaewdamrong, P. ., & Phuangkaew, S. . (2021). Manufacturing Process Improvements by Line Balancing Technic: Case Study of Athletic Shoes Manufacturing Process. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(2), 42–59. retrieved from
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