Path Analysis of Competitiveness Factors Affecting Logistics Service Providers Operations

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Supachree Suphariyagul
Teewara Buchaiphum
Prachak Promngam
Wilaiwan Asawatummanon
Wanichyada Wajirum
Piyanoot Sumrith


knowledge management It is a tool that helps drive management. and promote the creation of organizational innovations that can build competitiveness The organization should be aware and focus on improving quality, efficiency and responding to customer satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to study the competitive factors affecting logistics service providers in Bangkok, to study the population of medium and small logistics service providers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Bangkok, Probability Sampling with 340 Sampling Methods. Data were collected using a 5-level estimation questionnaire. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. The results showed that Knowledge Management Factors corporate innovation and risk management had a direct influence on the results of operations at a statistically significant level of 0.05. The most influential factor was knowledge management. which the organization should be aware of how to share the body of knowledge and apply in the organization thoroughly and seek new knowledge continuously Including the development of the organization by using innovation or technology related to management. and personnel development and the organization to be a learning organization to create competitiveness.

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How to Cite
Suphariyagul, S. ., Buchaiphum, T. ., Promngam, P. . ., Asawatummanon, W. . ., Wajirum, W. ., & Sumrith, P. . (2021). Path Analysis of Competitiveness Factors Affecting Logistics Service Providers Operations. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(2), 14–27. retrieved from
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