Influencing Service at the Sadao Border Crossing with in Province the Songkhla

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Prachak Promngam
Panya Sumranhun
Chotima Jotikasthira
Saowaluk Naruemon
Nattaya Teerakulpisuth
Sittichok Kongphanat


The purpose of this research was to study the factors and criteria the efficiency assessment of service of Sadoa Border in Songkhla Province. Whereas the questionnaire was use for collecting data from 400 questionnaires for customers and service provider in the service of Sadoa Border in Songkhla Province, from 16 questions were subdivided into 3 aspects terms of process service, service staff, and office and place. After that, analysis data for criteria the efficiency assessment of service of Sadoa Border in Songkhla Province by multiple regression analysis and test of measuring errors the assessment of service by mean absolute percent error (MAPE).

      The result was found that, the criteria that are important to the efficiency of service of Sadoa Border in Songkhla Province. Overall, the level of agreement at the high level ( x̄ = 4.03). When considering each aspect, the efficiency of the service staff was highest level ( x̄ = 4.26), the of process service was moderate level ( x̄ = 3.96), and the efficiency of office and place was lowest level
( x̄ = 3.87). Then took the criteria the efficiency assessment of the service of Sadoa Border analyze by the reliability was tried out by 30 questionnaires by mean absolute percent error (MAPE) were 2.33 percentage and the reliability were 97.67 percentage According to research, in order to serve clients swiftly and conveniently, offices, structures, and procedures must all be improved. To decrease operational disruptions and increase trust, which is the key to success, information technology is used to give flexibility throughout the supply chain.

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How to Cite
Promngam, P. ., Sumranhun, P. ., Jotikasthira, C., Naruemon, S., Teerakulpisuth, N., & Kongphanat, S. (2022). Influencing Service at the Sadao Border Crossing with in Province the Songkhla. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 3(2), 30–45. retrieved from
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