Design and Development Product from Cultural Capital to International Market, A case study of Ban Phak Nok Mudmee Weaving Cooperative Women's Group, Maha Sarakham Province

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Vuthipong Roadkasemsri
Apichet Teeklee
Saifon Jumpatong


The objective of this research is to study community funds leading to product design and development in line with international market demands. A case study of Ban Phak Nok Mudmee Weaving Cooperative Women's Group, Maha Sarakham Province. Research and development methods are used by integrating product design knowledge, marketing principles and dye science. Under the community participatory research practice the research found that in a market survey of 215 Americans and 74 Chinese, the opinions were quite consistent on the issue. Natural dyes, red, green, blue, brown tones, popular with small patterns by placing stripes in certain positions of the fabric, it is popular with dresses, casual suits, and short skirts. Including having an online distribution channel when the data were analyzed together with the potential of the community Experimenting with the development of dyeing from lac, padauk, and blood soap. Experimenting with the technique of using Mordan until the dye was obtained in 3 colors and 9 shades. to be unique to the business Leading to the processing of work clothes, dresses, creating the Silktella brand, presenting it to the market Then proceed to test new products. by target consumers the overall satisfaction score was 4.65-4.72, meaning very good. Most consumers are fond of hand-woven fabrics. that is outstanding, unique, enhancing a good image for the cricketer suitable for use in a variety of occasions can be combined with modern clothing styles harmoniously.

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How to Cite
Roadkasemsri, V. ., Teeklee, A. ., & Jumpatong, S. . (2022). Design and Development Product from Cultural Capital to International Market, A case study of Ban Phak Nok Mudmee Weaving Cooperative Women’s Group, Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 3(2), 14–30. retrieved from
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