Quality of Work Life Affects Working Behavior in The Operations Department in Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd

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Samran Maungchang
Naruemol Soonsawat


The objectives of this research were to study (1) the quality of work life in the operations department Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. (2) working behavior in the operations department Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. (3) quality of work life affects working behavior in the operations department Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. with samples of 240 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.90. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research revealed that (1) the overall quality of work-life of operation staff at Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. had the opinion at a moderate level. (2) the overall working behavior of the operating staff Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. had an opinion at a high level. (3) the quality of work-life effected working behavior of operating staff Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. consisted of the balance between work and life as a whole, the side provides opportunities for operators to develop their knowledge and abilities as well, the nature of the work based on the law or the justice process, the nature of the work that promotes the growth and stability of the operator, the compensation fair and sufficient and the environmental characteristics and safety were statistical significance at 0.05 based on the hypothesis with a coefficient of 0.567 which could forecast 56.70 percent

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How to Cite
Maungchang, S. and Soonsawat, N. 2022. Quality of Work Life Affects Working Behavior in The Operations Department in Asahi-Thai Alloy Co., Ltd. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology. 3, 1 (Jun. 2022), 25–37.
Research Artical


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