Comparative Analysis of Specific Cost Consumption of Utilizing Cassava Rhizome as Household Cooking Fuel

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Anurak Jaiwanglok
Natakron Sirimongkolgal
Pornchai Pornharuthai
Sirirat Son-in
Decha Chomngamdee
Narttaya Chareonsuk


Currently, cassava farmers often have a large amount of cassava rhizomes left after harvesting, leading to pollution from burning and an increase in greenhouse gases. These leftover materials can be used as fuel to generate heat energy for cooking. This research aims to analyze the thermal efficiency and economic aspects of different types of stoves using cassava rhizomes as fuel, and to compare the specific cost consumption. The Water Boiling Test method is used, which involves different types of stoves and fuels: 1. Biomass stove with and without air supply, 2. Traditional stove (charcoal stove), both of which use cassava rhizomes left over from agriculture as fuel, 3. Gas stove using LPG, and 4. Electric induction stove using electricity. The research findings show that biomass stove with and without air supply, traditional, gas, and electric induction stove have thermal efficiencies of 22.12%, 18.49%, 27.26%, 37.35%, and 85.84%, respectively. Their energy consumption rates are 3.03 MJ/kWh, 5.63 MJ/kWh, 2.50 MJ/kWh, 0.62 MJ/kWh, and 0.63 MJ/kWh, respectively. Comparing the specific cost consumption of biomass stove with and without air supply, traditional, gas, and electric induction stove to gas stove, it was found that energy costs can be reduced by 91.28%, 89.35%, 93.16%, and 31.90%, respectively. In conclusion, using cassava rhizomes as fuel can help reduce household expenses. This research can be applied to agricultural waste materials in the future.

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How to Cite
Jaiwanglok, A., Sirimongkolgal, N. ., Pornharuthai, P. ., Son-in, S. ., Chomngamdee, D. ., & Chareonsuk, N. . (2024). Comparative Analysis of Specific Cost Consumption of Utilizing Cassava Rhizome as Household Cooking Fuel. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 5(1), 1–15. retrieved from
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