Opinions of the staffs in the central part of the Thailand Post Co., Ltd. relating to the application of the Good Governance Principles in job performance of the Administrator who is in the level of Section Chief

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Sukanta Sukanta Manthana Manthana
Sangsuree Ouan-Sri
Natchaporn Yaiboursakul
Yothi Yothi Chanani1 Chanani
Taweesit Saiwichit
Nattapong Tamkaew
Kanjathaporn Thongpila


This study is a Survey Research which has the objective to study the opinions of the staffs in the central part of the Thailand Post Co., Ltd. relating to the application of the Good Governance Principles in job performance of the Administrator who is in the level of Section Chief, by the method of samples survey from 334 staffs in the central part of the Thailand Post Co., Ltd.  From the outcome of the research, it is found out that according to the opinions of the staffs : the administrators who are in the level of section chief (level 8), performed the jobs, by applying the principles of good governance, at the “Very Good” grading In the sense of duty And to treat all stakeholders equally good faith of the other side left in the "good" and the results showed that. The duration of the work (age) affect on the level of good governance principles in the performance of the chief executive (level 8), the sense of duty. And to promote the development of governance, significantly by the statistical level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Manthana, S. S. M., Ouan-Sri, S. ., Yaiboursakul, N. ., Chanani, . Y. . Y. C., Saiwichit, T. ., Tamkaew, N. . ., & Thongpila, K. (2023). Opinions of the staffs in the central part of the Thailand Post Co., Ltd. relating to the application of the Good Governance Principles in job performance of the Administrator who is in the level of Section Chief. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 4(1), 59–70. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/3545
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