Achievement Study of Using the System Flowchart According to the Principles of Contract Amendment

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Teenaphat Wiyasing


The research on the results of using a System Flowchart regarding the principles of contract amendment has the objectives to 1) study the practice guidelines regarding contract amendment according to the Procurement and Supplies Management Act 2017, 2) create a tool System Flowchart in deciding on contract amendment principles. 3) Measure the effectiveness of the System Flowchart tool in deciding on contract amendment principles. 4) Study the level of satisfaction in using the created tool. The study sample consisted of three groups: administrators, lecturers, and supply officers, totaling 15 people. The study method used a specific approach with the sample group being tested. Statistics used to analyze data are used to find the average in percentage and standard deviation. The research found that contract amendments can be made when there is one of the following reasons: 1) The cause is due to the fault or defect of a government agency. 2) Force majeure. 3) The cause is due to any circumstance in which the contracting party is not legally responsible. The study resulted in a System Flowchart tool for deciding contract amendment principles. Using the System Flowchart with the three sample groups revealed no differences, with a score of 100 percent showing that it can be used correctly. In addition, all 3 sample groups were satisfied with using the System Flowchart tool in making decisions regarding contract amendment principles. Overall, they were at a high level of satisfaction, with an average of 4.67. and has a standard deviation of 0.49.

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How to Cite
Wiyasing, T. . (2024). Achievement Study of Using the System Flowchart According to the Principles of Contract Amendment. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 4(2), 27–39. retrieved from
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