Design and Development of Dry Corn Peeling Machine to Enhance the Efficiency of the Corn Production Process for Animal Feed
Main Article Content
This research is conducted with the objective of designing and
developing a dry corn peeling machine for the corn production process in
animal feed. The machine is designed and built with a simple inclined corn
container, allowing the corn to flow smoothly without blockage. It uses a motor
to drive a belt and gears to transfer power from the pulley to the shaft, replacing
manual labor, which incurs high labor costs and can only peel 5 cobs per
minute, while also facing labor shortages. The results of testing the dry corn
peeling machine showed that the machine has a suitable size, is made from
strong and durable materials, and can peel dry corn with a moisture content
between 20-25% at a rate of 10 cobs per minute. This meets the set objectives
and is suitable for small-scale household industries.
Article Details
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