The Analysis Factor Effecting the User Satisfaction in Software Project using Data Mining Techniques

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Pornthip Liewtrakul
Katawut Kaewbanjong
Chatchanan Iniam


This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the satisfaction of users participating in software projects. The data was analyzed from 191 projects with 71 factors by using data mining techniques. The methodology consisted of three main steps: 1) Preparation of information, 2) Factor selection using feature selection techniques: Correlation, Chi-Square, Forward, Backward Elimination, Evolutionary, Information Gain, and Gain Ratio, and 3) Efficiency test by using Backpropagation Neural Network Model.

The results of the research were as follows: The result revealed that 33 factors from the Evolutionary technique provided the highest predictive percentage at 90.61. The result can be employed as basic information for software project implementation to satisfy users and applied as data to develop a more effective satisfaction predictive model.

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How to Cite
Liewtrakul, P., Kaewbanjong, K. ., & Iniam, C. . (2024). The Analysis Factor Effecting the User Satisfaction in Software Project using Data Mining Techniques. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 5(2), 53–70. retrieved from
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