Human Body Dimensions: A Basic Information for Product Design and Development

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ณัฐพล พุฒยางกูร
ไพโรจน์ ลดาวิจิตรกุล


Body dimension measurement is very important in the design of tools and workstations as part of the ergonomics for studying work limitations and to design improvements or conditions. A unsuitable problem between human body proportions and product will not appear in real life because users can adapt to product over a period of time. However, the problems will appear in unusual
situations, including the changing in social situations and countries such as the growth of the elderly population in Thailand so, the former database is inefficient.

The results of the study in Thailand showed that there was a database of specific sample groups than the general sample since it was a short term project, and could be implemented quickly, including having a limited budget. But the need to study to cover the population As a result, the current techniques are unable to collect information about changing of the body parts of Thai people.

From the situation, It is essential to develop modern and more efficient techniques for measuring body proportions. In the past, there have been studies and research on techniques for determining body proportions in various forms. But from the analysis, it can be concluded that the technique still cannot be a widely Therefore, the direction for further research in the future has been determined. There are 3 things that need to be measured in body proportions: convenience, speed and accuracy of measurement that are an important factor.

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How to Cite
พุฒยางกูร ณ. ., & ลดาวิจิตรกุล ไ. . (2024). Human Body Dimensions: A Basic Information for Product Design and Development. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(1), 97–111. retrieved from
Academic Article


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