Preliminary Study of cultural constraints in Thai people for anthropometry by anthropometer

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Nathapon Puttyangkura
Sudawan Leepaitoon
Phairoat Ladavichitkul


Human body proportions size information is an essential part of any human-related design. If data that is not consistent with the demographic design is used, results will not meet the intended goals and affect the convenience and health of the users. From the study, it was found that the body size research studies in Thailand still have a small number of samples and lack of diversity. This makes the assumption that one of the sample constraints on education in Thailand may be due to some inconvenience related to privacy, culture, tradition and society.

Therefore, they surveyed the opinions of the sample group about the convenience of participating in the human body proportions research study in Thailand. dress pattern the convenience of the proportion being measured and factors that are expected to be relevant to study the opinion trends and convenience to summarize the limitations that found and their conformity with cultural, tradition or social issues of Thailand for using the information obtained in conjunction with the design. The sample consisted of 103 males and females, ranging in age from 20 to 40 years are Thai citizens of Thai nationality and normal body.

The results showed that the sample group still lacked knowledge about body size studies. Most were never involved in the study and were reluctant to decide to join the sample. The casual wear was clothing that the sample was most comfortable to wear. Body areas below the waist were more inconvenient than other areas. Personal convenience, gender of the measurer, instrument used to measure and place are clearly affected to the convenience of participating in the sample group. There are also opinions on the development of body measurement tools in a way that does not require physical contact

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How to Cite
Puttyangkura, N. ., Leepaitoon, S. ., & Ladavichitkul, P. . (2021). Preliminary Study of cultural constraints in Thai people for anthropometry by anthropometer. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(1), 105–121. retrieved from
Academic Article


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