Application design and development to support healthy food menu for decision-making

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Punnatad Piwein
Kridsana Hunsom
Pornthip Liewtrakul


Health problems of working age in Thailand Increasing every year along the rate of morbidity and mortality of Thai people caused by chronic non-communicable diseases reflects that it is a major health problem that can't be overlooked. Thailand has found a large number of overweight populations. From excessive consumption, Not nutritious causing metabolic syndrome or obesity is a condition in which the body accumulates more fat than normal. Bring about and the causes of chronic diseases various complications which COVID-19 The fatalities have a history of obesity, diabetes, so the researcher realized the importance by designing an application. Using the principle of system development life cycle (SDLC), there is a 7-step process, but we would like to present the first 3 steps of system analysis: 1. Understanding the problem 2. Feasibility study 3. Analyze using Fishbone Diagram to identify the root cause of the problem. Then use it to create a flow chart and create a data flow diagram (Data Flow Diagram: DFD) and then use the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles according to the UX/UI design theory (User Experience: UX) / (User Interface: UI) but has limitations in tracking Because the researcher was unable to track the user's food choices for each meal. Assessment results by experts in information technology and 5 nutrition experts found that the work process suitability was at a high level ( x̄ = 4.2 and SD = 0.54) , while the screen design suitability was at a high level ( x̄ = 4.4 and SD = 0.34) and has a high level of technical suitability ( x̄ = 3.96 and SD = 0.4). so it can be concluded that the designed and developed system can actually be applied in daily life. But some limitations can not support the iOS operating system, so other researchers can be developed or extended in the future

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How to Cite
Piwein, P. ., Hunsom, K. ., & Liewtrakul, P. . (2021). Application design and development to support healthy food menu for decision-making. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(1), 54–69. retrieved from
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