A Development of Information System for Online Electric Conduit Marketing Management

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ชัชนันท์ อินเอี่ยม
พรทิพย์ เหลียวตระกูล


The purpose of this study is to develop of Information System for Online Electric Conduit Marketing Management. In addition, users' satisfaction with the information system. As well as develop an information system on the internet-based system via Windows application by using PHP program with MySQL database according to System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Flow Chart, Context Diagram and Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The system was evaluated by five experts in system development to determine the efficiency of the system before using it. Then, assesses the satisfaction of the system of the eighty users who work in Siam Metal Work Industry Co., Ltd. was selected the samples by simple random sampling and the questionnaires are used.

The result of evaluating the effectiveness by five experts in system analysis and development before using it found that the design of the database and application system is appropriate with a total mean of 4.27, at a high level. The results of the assessment of user satisfaction with the system. It was found that the total average of logins to the system. Ordering accuracy and cost summary calculation accuracy of 4.37 was at a high level. Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed system is suitable and satisfying the users. Able to implement of Information System for Online Electric Conduit Marketing Management from user requirement.


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How to Cite
อินเอี่ยม ช. ., & เหลียวตระกูล พ. . (2021). A Development of Information System for Online Electric Conduit Marketing Management. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(1), 26–42. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/4773
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