Carbon Footprint of the Wastes from the Improving the Production Process in the Office Chair Manufacturing

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ภาณุพงศ์ ทองประสิทธิ์
บัณฑิตา ผาจวง


The aim of studies is the carbon footprint of the office chair manufacturing process both before production improvement and after production improvement to producing sufficient, reduce the cost of production waste and the environmental impact. Additionally, This complies with the BCG in the action plan of driving the bio-economy, Circular economy, and green economy                         for sustainable development. The carbon footprint results found that before improving                              the production process, wastes of the production process have 189.08 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent. After improving the production process, wastes of the production process have 9.13 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent. In the same way, The carbon footprint of wastes after                       the production process improvement has decreased among 95.17% of wastes in the improving                  the production process before. In addition, the carbon footprint of the wastes before and after               the Improving production process was reduced to 1.93% and 0.097% respectively when compared with the carbon footprint content of the office chair production process. This study can be used to improve manufacturing processes propose to design and develop environmentally friendly products (Eco Design) responding to customers. It also is used as a guideline for assessing the carbon footprint to create type 3 environmental labels, which will benefit the growth of the business especially the product to the global market in the future.


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ทองประสิทธิ์ ภ. ., & ผาจวง บ. (2021). Carbon Footprint of the Wastes from the Improving the Production Process in the Office Chair Manufacturing. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(1), 14–25. retrieved from
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