The Study Of The Working Method And Standard Time Of Trailer Peripheral Equipment

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ปิยะ รนต์ละออง
ภาษิต ทินนาม
พิชฎาตา ผลพูล
พีระพงษ์ ยืนยงชัยวัฒน์
พลกฤต กลั่นแก้วดำรง
รัฐศักดิ์ ผลาขจรศักดิ


The purposes of this research is to studying the steps of producing the truck peripheral equipment, study the time of working and finding the time standard of work, and suggesting  the method to improve for reducing the time to work on truck peripheral equipment. The industry can adopt this method with another process at work. The method of finding the time standard used counting the time of trailer peripheral equipment, it contains the process is 14 steps, each step includes 30 cycles for calculating the appropriate cycle at confidence interval 95 % and the error not exceed ±5%. The result found that the appropriate cycle in 30 cycles and then calculating the time for to provide the time standard. From this study found the time standard of assembling of trailer peripheral equipment is 1664.85 seconds/ piece.

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รนต์ละออง ป. ., ทินนาม ภ. ., ผลพูล พ. ., ยืนยงชัยวัฒน์ พ. ., กลั่นแก้วดำรง พ. ., & ผลาขจรศักดิ ร. . (2020). The Study Of The Working Method And Standard Time Of Trailer Peripheral Equipment. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(1), 62–71. retrieved from
Research Artical


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