Application Of Software Package Program In Setting The Product Positioning In Warehouse. Case Study: Asian Alliance International Company Limited

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ณัฐวุฒิ วงษ์วรรณ
ปัทมา วงษ์สวัสดิ์
อิทธิพล ชุ่มแจ่ม
ศิริวรรณ ฉ่ำมิ่งขวัญ
สร้อยสุดา เลาะหมุด


The objective of this research is to apply the software program to specify the position of products placed in the warehouse. From the data collection between September and November 2018, the company has implemented the Warehouse Management System (WMS) in the organization but cannot use the system to set the product positioning in the warehouse because there is still lack of information to set the product positioning in the warehouse in which the researchers used the research tools as follows: 1) Structured interview form to study the information needs of the Warehouse Management System (WMS) 2) The structured interview to study the components in setting the product positioning. 3) Survey to study the pattern in setting the product positioning.  and 4) the application of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The research found that the application of the program could bring the data to support the Warehouse Management System in setting the product positioning in the warehouse

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วงษ์วรรณ ณ. ., วงษ์สวัสดิ์ ป. ., ชุ่มแจ่ม . อ. ., ฉ่ำมิ่งขวัญ ศ. ., & เลาะหมุด ส. . (2020). Application Of Software Package Program In Setting The Product Positioning In Warehouse. Case Study: Asian Alliance International Company Limited. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(1), 24–35. retrieved from
Research Artical


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