Increasing production efficiency in industrial assembly lines Vertical Packaging Machine

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ธวัชชัย พงษ์สนาม


The objective of this research is to study the production of assembly lines in the machine industry. Vertical Packaging Systems Model ABC 2520 DE in the Company, Case Study and to Increase Line Efficiency Consisting of lean concepts By using lean tools or techniques (LEAN) used in the production process to analyze the wastage that occurs by creating work standards According to job education theory Which consists of Scheduling Timing Standard Diagram Flow (Flow process chart) Motion chart And work sampling to help reduce activities that do not add added value and allow each employee Perform the same work Which is an effective way to reduce the variations from work.

          The results show that the line production system consists of lean type Apply In the company case study of the vertical packaging machine industry, model ABC 2520 DE, it is found that this concept can be used to improve the assembly line. And when evaluating and evaluating the results Improve work efficiency With Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) comparing before and after improvements based on the three key components of demand for production: Productivity, P, Quality: Q, Delivery: D. The ones that are better than the original

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How to Cite
พงษ์สนาม ธ. . (2020). Increasing production efficiency in industrial assembly lines Vertical Packaging Machine. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(1), 14–23. retrieved from
Research Artical


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