Alternative Solution Of Waste Reduction In The Seat String Assembly Process: Case Study An Automative Parts Manufacuring Company In Samut Prakan Province

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อัจฉรา ผ่องพิทยา
ธีรวุฒิ แซ่ลิ้ม
พศวีร์ แสงประยูร
ณัฐชัย เปลี่ยนวิจารณ์
หทัยรัตน์ ธีระกาญจน์
ปิยะชัย สุวรรณธาดา


The objective of this research is to study alternative solution of waste reduction in the seat string assembly process. Collecting data by observed the operation of employees, and interviewed engineers and employees who assembling the seat string. Data was analyzed using the Why-Why Analysis method to find out the problems and causes of waste. And brainstormed to find ways how to reduce waste by using quality management tools.

The result of this research found that there are 3 steps for the seat string assembly: 1) raw material preparation 2) assembly and 3) Inspection of work pieces. In which most of the waste products were bubbles, some pieces of barbed wire and gas porosity.  The reason is due to the employees did not follow the procedures and some machines were old condition. From brainstorming sessions, suggesting to create an operation manual for the seat string assembly that have clear working procedure, used to train employees. And results from improvements can reduce waste from the original 2.78 % to remaining balance 1.97%.

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ผ่องพิทยา อ. ., แซ่ลิ้ม ธ. ., แสงประยูร พ. ., เปลี่ยนวิจารณ์ ณ., ธีระกาญจน์ ห., & สุวรรณธาดา ป. . (2020). Alternative Solution Of Waste Reduction In The Seat String Assembly Process: Case Study An Automative Parts Manufacuring Company In Samut Prakan Province. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 1(1), 1–13. retrieved from
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