(New generation teachers to Educational Quality Development of Industrial Technology Faculty)

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Wichai Vanpetch


A good teacher must have a good attribute, the whole heart is to have faith in the teacher profession. Be kind, moral, and good-willed, be healthy. Develop yourself to keep up with technological advancements that can be applied in teaching and learning nowadays, as well as developing, supporting students to use information and digital technology. In pursuit of self-knowledge. Collaborate with establishments and more approach to communities. Students can apply their knowledge to develop and solve problems. Teachers must follow the teacher indicator according to the benchmarks, according to the new teacher assessment criteria, according to the new generation of teacher attributes in the 21 century, according to the indicators of good teacher characteristics, and the role of teachers of the Faculty of Industrial Technology and networking faculties in the information technology and digital age, It will ensure that new teachers will play an important role in improving the quality of education

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How to Cite
Vanpetch, W. . (2021). (New generation teachers to Educational Quality Development of Industrial Technology Faculty). Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 2(2), 92–102. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/4515
Academic Article


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