Golden Section Search Design Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Slabs by Using Golden Section Search

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Anan Nimtawat
Atthasit chuenjai


This study proposed an algorithm for optimum design of reinforced concrete slabs. The concrete section design of two-way slabs. The Golden Section Search method is modified to the proposed algorithm and tested by implementing in MATLAB. The results of problem 1 show that the unit price of the last search is decreased 45.21% from the initial price 793.90 baht to the final price 434.90 baht. The results of problem 1 show that the unit price of the last search is decreased 40.56% from the initial price 793.90 baht to the final price 471.89 baht

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How to Cite
Nimtawat, A., & chuenjai, A. (2022). Golden Section Search Design Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Slabs by Using Golden Section Search. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 3(2), 93–103. retrieved from
Research Artical


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