A Study of Operating Speed Limits for Vehicles Driving on Ratchadamnoen Road Nakhon Si Thammarat

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Weeraphol Pansrinua
Anurak Tripetch
Piti Chantruthai


The paper purposes to evaluate the effectiveness the speed limits of vehicles driving within speed limits areas on Ratchadamnoen road Nakhon Si Thammarat. Category 1: the speed limit at 60 kph was identified for the truck in which the total of self-weight of truck and truckload is over 1,200 kgs or passenger bus. Category 2: the speed limit at 45 kph was identified for trailer truck in which the total of self-weight of truck and truckload is over 1,200 kgs or tricycle. Category 3: the other vehicles or motorcycle out of category 1 and category 2 were identified to driving with the speed limit at 60 kph. By measuring the speed of vehicles on Ratchadamnoen road. The research result showed that the category 1 and category 2 is the average speed traveled on Rome roads is higher than the specified speed. The category 3 and category 4 is the average speed traveled on this same road is not more than the specified speed. And suggested speed category 1-3 the speed limit at 50 kph. Category 4: the speed limit at 45 kph.

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How to Cite
Pansrinua, W., Tripetch, A. ., & Chantruthai, P. . . (2022). A Study of Operating Speed Limits for Vehicles Driving on Ratchadamnoen Road Nakhon Si Thammarat. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 3(2), 79–92. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/4050
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