Information technology reduces the problem of moving labor to community products under the current economic crisis

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Jarineerin Tewasade
Sukjai Tanvinukul
Sukanta Mantana
Nattapong Tamkaew
Kanjathaporn Thongpila
Panrada Nimitphuwadon


This article aims to present the concept of community products to international marketing of low income communities under the current economic crisis. Describe the role of community products in accelerating different forms of international markets, characterized by efficient productivity and expansion into international markets. By the current economic crisis, especially in the European region With trade barriers between themselves International market competition is increasing, especially online products market. Expanding the market of products in the community to move into the international market. By our own ASEAN countries Will play a role in creating economic growth And reduce the problem of moving labor from the community chapter to the urban community Promoting international marketing; Should begin to develop products from the community Generating income for the community It is important for the government to provide systematic and supportive support so that community products can compete in the international market and reduce the movement of force into urban communities. This is to develop the quality of life in the community for sustainability.

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How to Cite
Tewasade, J. ., Tanvinukul, S. ., Mantana, S. ., Tamkaew, N. ., Thongpila, K. ., & Nimitphuwadon, P. . (2024). Information technology reduces the problem of moving labor to community products under the current economic crisis . Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 4(2), 75–94. retrieved from
Academic Article


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