Electricity Generation Using Peltier Plates

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Thawatchai Pongsanam
Pawat Chunuan


          Nowadays, electrical energy plays an increasingly important role in daily life and the rate of energy consumption. It may continue to rise, causing various agencies and energy researchers to work together to research, combine, and search for alternative energy.  This means that clean energy can be continuously recycled and used without running out and is also environmentally friendly. Study of methods for generating energy from heat using materials. Thermoelectric materials can convert heat energy into electricity and can also use electricity to convert heat and cooling. Using the principles of thermoelectric which is in the form of peltier plates by the thermoelectric principle in the form of these peltier plates can generate electrical energy and in turn can generate heat and cold. In the same process by generating electrical energy, it uses the temperature difference on both sides of the Peltier plate, resulting in a potential difference on both sides using the Seebeck Effect and using the principle of vibration of the structure. Quantum physics materials, where the voltage depends on temperature difference.

          From an experimental study of the transformation of heat energy from sunlight and energy. Other heat is converted to electrical energy. Using peltier plates or a thermoelectric set of 9 modules and connecting them in series to find the temperature difference of the thermoelectrics that affects the efficiency of electricity production. The results of the experiment conclude that Experiment 4.2, measuring the voltage from a heat source at a heating temperature of 42 °C, can produce a maximum electrical energy of 1.702 V, with the hot side of the petite plate having a temperature of 42 °C and the cold side of the peltier plate has a temperature of 39.1 °C, which has a temperature difference of 2.9 °C and it is expected that if the a greater temperature difference would have produced more voltage than the experimental design.

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How to Cite
Pongsanam, T. ., & Chunuan, P. . (2024). Electricity Generation Using Peltier Plates. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 4(2), 40–53. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/3175
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