The Improving Efficiency in the Structural Clay Nonloadbearing Screen Tiles Production Case Study: Bang-Ban Brick Plant, Ayutthaya Province

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Narongrit Sonjaitham
Pichet Pumkaesorn
Jongrak Somjai


The objective of this research is to improvement efficiency of improvement efficiency by reducing the waste generated during the manufacturing process. The exploration of work processes leading to waste generation through the application of the principle of mass balance. It was found that the brick firing process resulted in the highest amount of waste, which was identified as follows: 1) burn marks or smoke stains on the brick surface, approximately 10%, and 2) irregular shape (warping or cracks), approximately 2%. Analysis the specific causes of the waste characterized by burn marks or smoke stains on the brick surfaces by applying the principle of Why-Why Analysis. It was found that the burn marks or smoke occur when the upper layer of rice husk collapses downward onto the lower pile of burning rice husk. This results in a violent eruption of flames due to the intense burning of the rice husk. The root cause of this issue is the presence of a transverse grooves kiln wall, which causes the rice husk to move downward discontinuously. Metal sheets were used as materials for improving the kiln wall panels and practical implementation. It was found that the upper rice husk continuously moves downward towards the lower section, leading to a reduction in the occurrence of flame eruptions. Consequently, the quantity of bricks with burn marks or smoke stains decreased to approximately a mere 3.7%, equivalent to a decrease in waste value of approximately 7,763 Baht per time and it had a service life of 12 times. In addition, the improved furnace walls were able to reduce heat loss through kiln wall panels, resulting in a decrease in the amount of rice husk used to approximately 18 tons per time or equivalent to a decrease in rice husk value of approximately 3,800 baht per time. 

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How to Cite
Sonjaitham, N. ., Pumkaesorn , P. ., & Somjai, J. . (2024). The Improving Efficiency in the Structural Clay Nonloadbearing Screen Tiles Production Case Study: Bang-Ban Brick Plant, Ayutthaya Province. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 4(2), 14–26. retrieved from
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