Wast Reducing in the Manufacturing Process Through Quality Control Tools: A Case Study of the Aluminum Window Industry

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Naphob Saisuwan
Chamathorn Kuisrikul
Panya Sumranhun
Burim Nilpan
Pholakrit Klunkaewdamrong
Nithit Punthanakoraphat


The aims of this research were to study the production process and reduce the problem of water leaking at the edge of the rail in the window production process, code W0023s. This establishment found that the first highest problem was Window repair problems, code W0023s, which had 49 pieces, occurred between December 2022 - June 2023. For the ways to solution of this problem, by using the theory of 7 quality tools (7 QC Tools) will be used by finding the main cause of the problem using a Pareto Diagram, to be able to clearly select the main problems. And analyzing the root cause of the problem with cause-and-effect diagrams using the 4M principles makes it possible to find the root cause of the problem and using visual control theory in solving problems. Before the renovation, water leaks at the edge of the rails were found in 38 pieces, an average of 5.42 pieces per month, and after the renovation it was able to be reduced to 2 pieces per month, a decrease of 3.42 pieces per month, or 63.09 percent.

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How to Cite
Saisuwan, N., Kuisrikul, C. ., Sumranhun, P. ., Nilpan, B. ., Klunkaewdamrong, P. ., & Punthanakoraphat, N. . (2024). Wast Reducing in the Manufacturing Process Through Quality Control Tools: A Case Study of the Aluminum Window Industry. Journal of Bansomdej Engineering and Industrial Technology, 4(2), 65–74. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEITB/article/view/2908
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