Application of tamarind kernel polysaccharide-soybean oil emulsion coating to preserve the internal quality and extend shelf-life of fresh eggs
biopolymer, emulsion coating, fresh eggs, shelf-life, soybean oil, tamarind kernel polysaccharideAbstract
A tamarind kernel polysaccharide (TKP)-soybean oil (SO) emulsion coating was developed to study the effects of the coating on internal quality and shelf-life of fresh eggs. The efficiency of polysaccharide-based coating on fresh egg quality during 35 d storage at 25 °C was evaluated in terms of Haugh unit, weight loss, albumen pH, yolk pH and yolk index. Non-coated eggs served as the control. TKP-SO emulsions and SO-coated eggs maintained A grade up to 21 d of storage, while non-coated and TKP-coated eggs degraded from AA to B grade after 7 and 14 d, respectively. Weight loss of eggs coated with TKP-SO emulsion was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower than that of non-coated eggs and eggs coated with TKP. The highest weight loss was obtained for the non-coated eggs with 5.67% after 35 d storage, while the value increased from the initial day of storage by 5.13, 2.29, 2.38 and 0.54% for TKP, TKP-SO10, TKP-SO30 and SO, respectively. SO coating exhibited high moisture barrier efficiency but application required a long drying period. The pH in albumen of non-coated eggs and eggs coated with TKP increased from 8.93 and 8.82 to 9.42 and 9.14, respectively, after 35 d of storage. Higher yolk index was observed in the TKP-SO emulsions coated egg compared to TKP-coated eggs and non-coated eggs throughout the storage period. This study indicated that the biopolymer coatings from TKP-SO emulsion at ratios of 10:90 and 30:70 had high potential to preserve the internal quality of coated-eggs during 35 d of storage at 25 °C compared to TKP and control treatment. The TKP-SO emulsion coatings are promising a commercial biodegradable coating for extending the shelf life of fresh eggs.
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