Guide for Author
Guide for Authors
Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must not be previously published and are not under consideration for publication in any other media. Note: The journal may use software to screen for plagiarism.
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. As a result of the review process, a manuscript may be:
1) accepted without changes,
2) Accepted with minor revision
3) Recommended for major revision and further review, or
4) rejected.
Manuscript preparation
Please ensure the manuscript adheres to the JCST format.
Download the JSCT template and follow the instruction. (Note: The author should convert "google doc form" to "MS Word" for avoiding the format missing.)
Article Publication Charges (APC)
Step payment: (From September 1, 2022 onwards)
First payment: (Payment for review process). It is non-refundable payment
International Transfer: 100 USD (International Transfer) or 3,000 Thai baht (Domestic Transfer) per article.
Second payment: (Publication fee)
After the manuscript gets accepted for publication.
International Transfer: 250 USD (International Transfer) or 7,500 Thai baht (Domestic Transfer) per article.
Payment above must be completed within 7 days after the notification for payment is delivered otherwise the article processing will be pending or postponed and may be withdrawn.
All published articles are free download via the official JCST Website (Archive).
Manuscript Preparation
General Instruction: Submit your manuscript in both PDF and MS word formats. Manuscripts are acceptable in both American and British English, but the use of either must be consistent throughout the manuscript. Please note that the editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity. The single-column manuscript template can be downloaded from here.
Format: The paper size is set to A4. The manuscript is prepared with 1.25 inch left, 1-inch right, 2-inch top and 1-inch bottom margins. The header and footer of 1.0 inch and 0.6 inch are used, respectively. Unless specified, single column text with 10-point Times New Roman font on 12-point line spacing is used. Use ordinary upper- and lower-case letters throughout, except where italics are required. Start headings from the left margin. If you wish, you may indicate the ranking of complicated section headings and subheadings with numerals (1, 1.1, 1.1.1,...). All pages must be numbered in the top right-hand corner.
Title: Use 11-point bold font on 12-point line spacing. The title is centered. The length of title is not limited but it should not exceed 2 lines. A title should be concise and informative.
Author Names: Use 10-point font on 11-point line spacing. Author names are centered with one line space below the title. Begin with the first name of the author followed by the last name. For more than one author, separate each name by a comma (,), and identify each author’s affiliation by superscript numbers at the end of the author’s last name.
Author Affiliations: Use 9-point font on 10-point line spacing. Author affiliations are centered with one line space below the author names. Include institutional and e-mail addresses for all authors. Place superscript numbers at the beginning of each affiliation accordingly.
Abstract: Use 10-point font on 11-point line spacing for heading and 9-point font on 11-point line spacing for abstract content. The Abstract must not exceed 300 words . The purpose and setting of the research, the principal findings and major conclusions, and the paper's contribution should be briefly stated. Please note that excessive statistical details should be avoided, and abbreviations/acronyms should be used only if it is essential or firmly established.
Keywords: List up to 7 keywords and separate each keyword by a comma (,). The keywords should accurately reflect the content of the article. The keywords will be used for indexing and searching purposes.
Main Text: Use 10-point font on 12-point line spacing. The main body of the submitted manuscript should contain the sections in the following order: introduction, methodology, results (if any), discussion (if any), conclusion, acknowledgements, and references. Please note that some articles may not contain all the components above. Tables or figures must be included in the text for the reviewing process.
Tables: Use 9-point font on 10-point line spacing for all text in tables. The table caption is above the table. The table should always be cited in text in numbered consecutively. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the tables and should be referred to by superscript numbers. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript (e.g., in graphs).
Figures: Use 9-point font on 10-point line spacing for figure captions. If the figures inserted into the main text, type figure captions below the figures. Figures should be provided in a suitable file format and resolution for reproduction, e.g., EPS, JPG or TIFF formats, without retouching. Photographs, charts and diagrams should be referred to as Figure(s) and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. All Figures must be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
Format of References: JCST uses the American Psychological Association (APA version 7) referencing style, which can be found at
Short details: Intext-citation pattern is (author’s last name, year).
A work by only authors, i.e., (Sukjaidee, 2020).
A work by two authors, i.e., (Yuangnun, & Krukimsom, 2020).
A work by three or more authors, i.e., (Yuangnun et al., 2023).
1) All publications cited in the text must be presented in a list of reference section.
2) All references must be presented in the in-text citation.
3) References should be listed at the end of article, arranged alphabetically according to the last names of the authors and then chronologically. A digital object identifier (DOI) should be added at the end of each reference if its DOI exists.
4) Citation of a reference as “in press” implies that the item has been accepted for publication. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content of the references.
Submission Preparation Checklist
The submitted manuscripts may be returned to authors who do not adhere to the following guidelines:
Complete submissions must include:
- Manuscript, that has not been previously published, nor is it a dual submission, in PDF and MS Word format. (download manuscript template) (Note: The author should convert "google doc form" to "MS Word" for avoiding the format missing.)
- Signed manuscript submission form. (download manuscript submission form)
- Signed copyright transfer agreement. (download CTA form)
AND, where applicable:
- Letter of approval from review committees for use of human samples in research and human experiments
- Letter of approval from relevant authority for use of animals in experiments
- Signed consent to publish (in print and online) from human subjects who can be identified in the manuscript.
- Letter(s) of permission from copyright holder(s) to use copyrighted sources in author’s manuscript.
Start from Volume 15 (2025): The accepted article will be requested for graphical abstract:
1. Size Dimensions
Typical Aspect Ratio: Landscape orientation with aspect ratio of 16:9. and 300 DPI (dot per inch)
it’s generally suggested to use a size of approximately 1200 × 630 pixels for better visibility on web platforms.
2. What is a Graphical Abstract?
A Graphical Abstract is a concise visual representation of the main findings or the essence of a research article. It is designed to provide a quick overview of the study’s purpose, methods, key results, and implications, often serving as a complement to the textual abstract. Graphical abstracts are increasingly common in scientific publications, especially in fields like chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering.
The following is an outline of steps in the publication process:
- Similarity checking will be performed using the Turnitin program. The expected result should show a low similarity index, indicating no evidence of copy and paste plagiarism.
- Preliminary Format Checking: We will conduct an initial review to ensure that the submitted document meets the required formatting guidelines.
- Payment for Review Process: Upon completion of the preliminary format checking, the first payment for the review process is required.
- Review Process: Once the payment is approved, our team will initiate the thorough review process of your document.
- Review Duration: The review process typically takes between 2 to 4 weeks to complete, during which our experts will carefully evaluate your document.
- Review Result Notification: After the review process is concluded, you will be notified of the outcome. The possible outcomes are as follows:
a) Accepted: Your document has been accepted without the need for further revisions.
b) Revision Needed without New Round of Review: Minor revisions are required, and no additional review process is necessary.
c) Revision Needed for a New Round of Review (Major revision): Substantial revisions are needed, and a new round of review will be required after the revisions are made.
d) Decline: Unfortunately, your document does not meet the required standards and cannot be accepted.
- Revision Approval: If revisions are required and you have made the necessary changes, you will need to submit the revised document for approval.
- Acceptance Letter and Publication fee: Once the revised document passes the review process, you will receive an acceptance letter confirming the approval of your submission. You will then be notified of the payment details (English proofreading fee, process fee etc.)
- English Proofreading:
- Galley Proof:
- Online Publication:
Please note that the timeline provided for the review process is an estimate and may vary depending on the complexity and volume of submissions. We strive to maintain efficiency and accuracy throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth experience for our clients.
The accepted date that appears in the published article is the date when the Editor-in-Chief has issued the Notification of Acceptance.