Removal of heavy metals from textile industries with natural adsorbents
bio-adsorbents, effluent contamination, heavy metals, industrial pollution, textile dyesAbstract
Persistent execution of heavy metals contaminating wastewater from textile industries remains a major threat to environmental life. The general studies stated that textile industries polluted about 20-30% freshwater. Such heavy metals are highly reactive even at very low concentrations by accumulating in the food chain. This review highlights the employment of natural adsorbents in removing heavy metals in terms of economic benefits, availability, simple pre-treatment, and pollution-free aspects. This review discusses toxic heavy metals and their potential effects. It highlights the possible natural absorbents like rice husk, banana peel, sugarcane bagasse, absorbents, and Prosopis juliflora bark presented within the state of art methods. The review also enumerated the adsorption capacity of the absorbents like Rice husk forCadmium as 108mg/sugarcane bagasse for a nickel at 123.46 mg/g, and Banana peel on the lead as 54.76 mg/g, which are considered beneficial and effective. The economic utilization of natural adsorption also reveals the importance of the potential application of natural absorbents.
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