Evaluation of dynamic properties of rubber mounts by Levenberg–Marquardt method
hysteresis loop, loss factor, non-linearity, rubber mount, stiffnessAbstract
Rubber mounts are widely used as vibration isolators as they are cheaper and available in different sizes. The performance of a rubber mount varies under different loading conditions, such as excitation force and frequency. The actual dynamic properties of a rubber mount cover linear and non-linear regions; thus, a characterization method is required that can capture and identify the dynamic properties for both regions. This paper proposes a method to identify the dynamic properties of rubber mounts by comparing the Levenberg–Marquardt method and the classical hysteresis loop method. The rubber mounts are excited under different excitation forces and frequencies. The excitation condition where the rubber mounts behave non-linearly is identified. The dynamic properties from the rubber mounts are analysed by fitting the Levenberg–Marquardt method to identify the parameters from the measured hysteresis loop. The results show that the proposed approach can capture the stiffness and loss factor of rubber mounts, including both linear and non-linear regions. Then, the measured results are compared with the impact technique for validation, with low percentage differences found between the classical hysteresis loop method and impact technique. This study indicates that the dynamic characterisation of rubber mounts using the Levenberg–Marquardt method could provide an alternative solution for identification of rubber mount properties, including their hysteresis behaviour. Overall, this work represents an important contribution in understanding the non-linear identification of rubber mount properties.
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