Effect of preoperative self-efficacy pain education program on self-efficacy to report pain, pain intensity, and pain interferences among patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery
after oral and maxillofacial surgery, pain intensity, pain interferences, preoperative educational program, self-efficacy to report postoperative painAbstract
This study evaluated the effect of preoperative education on self-efficacy to report pain, pain intensity, and pain interferences among patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. Thirty participants were assigned to the control group, who received no education, and 30 to the experimental group, who received education the day before surgery. The data collection instruments were (1) Demographic and Health Information Sheet, (2) Perceived Self-Efficacy to Report Pain Questionnaire, (3) Pain Intensity Scale, and (4) Pain Interferences Scale. The data were analyzed by paired t-test, independent t-test, and Mann–Whitney U test. After receiving the educational program, the experimental group had significantly self-efficacy reporting scores (t = −4.94, p < .01). At 24 h after surgery, the experimental group's average pain and right now pain scores were significantly lower than those of the control group (p = .000), but there were no significant differences in worst or least pain. At 48 h, the experimental group's worst pain, least pain, average pain, and right now pain were significantly lower than the control group (p = .000). Pain interferences followed a similar pattern, with no significant difference at 24 h and significant differences at 48 h (p < .01). The findings showed that the preoperative educational program had enhanced the patients’ self-efficacy to report postoperative pain. The program could decrease postoperative pain intensity and pain interference.
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