Comparative Prey Predation Ability of Big-Eyed Bug Geocoris Ochropterus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Geocoridae)
aphids, big-eyed bugs, Geocoris ochropterus, thrips, whiteflies, predation ability, preyAbstract
We investigated the predation ability of big-eyed bugs Geocoris ochropterus on different single prey species of thrips, whiteflies, and aphids. Results indicated that G. ochropterus adults consumed the highest number of aphids per day (33.6 ± 3.35). First instar nymphs of G. ochropterus showed low ability to consume prey, while from second to fifth instar nymphs showed high ability to consume prey with significant differences. The number of eggs deposited per female fed on whiteflies was significantly different larger than other prey types. In addition, development time of Geocoris ochropterus nymphs first to fourth instar was longest when fed on aphids and significantly different among prey types. Results suggest that G. ochropterus consumed the highest numbers of aphids, with the order of preference aphids > whiteflies > thrips.
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