Development of portable starch content measuring device for fresh cassava tubers using gravimetric method
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This project aims to create a portable instrument for measuring cassava starch content in fresh cassava tubers by using specific gravity method. Use approximately 100 g of cassava root and can determine without damaging the whole cassava plant. To bring information to plan the harvest and indicate the location of the plant. The cassava " Kasetsart 50 (KU50) " varieties were studied, twenty tubers were obtained from Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture Khon Kaen University, aged 12 months and 25 cassava tubers from Nong Kung Sub-district, Khon Kaen aged 8 months. To measure the weight of cassava tuber obtained from load cell an equation from the load cell's electrical signal has been created, in order bring the weight to find the specific gravity and take the specific gravity to predict the starch content in casava tubers, automatically working by writing a command. Load cell’s electrical signal was strongly correlated with weight, with R² of 0.99 and the results of the comparison of the starch content by the standard starch meter and the developed portable starch meter were significantly correlated with R² of 0.99 presenting information to the web app with location coordinates.
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