Mobile Stroke Emergency Telecare System: MSU-SOS®
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Cerebrovascular disease or stroke was the 2nd ranking incident to cause death or total disability of Thai people. Death or disability was caused by either obstruction of blood flow (acute ischemic stroke) or burst of blood vessel (intracerebral hemorrhage stroke) in the brain permanently damaged brain cells. There were 1,880 cases of stroke per 100,000 populations in Thailand and most of cases is in rural areas where stroke care service was not available. If an acute stroke patient could have medical treatment from neurologists within 270 minutes, the possibility of death and disability could be reduced significantly. Since 2018, the Siriraj Stroke Center, Siriraj Hospital and Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University had jointly designed, developed and deployed the Mobile Stroke Emergency Telecare platform in 8 areas of Thailand. There were The platform was composed of Mobile Stroke vehicle, patient loading/un-loading system, communication system, medical CT image system, and stroke management system. This research was to study cost and correlation of work process performed in each version with time KPI in real stroke treatment cases. The result of this work could be beneficial to future design of work processes in such emergency telecare in which time constraint had directly impact on result of medical outcome.
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