Finite Element Model of Screw–Locking Plate with Suture Augmentation for Greater Tuberosity Fracture of the Humerus Bone


  • Ratthapoom Watcharopas Faculty of Engineering and Thammasat University Center of Excellence in Computational Mechanics and Medical Engineering, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani, Thailand
  • Phongsiri Kansue Faculty of Engineering and Thammasat University Center of Excellence in Computational Mechanics and Medical Engineering, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani, Thailand
  • Wiroj Limtrakarn Faculty of Engineering and Thammasat University Center of Excellence in Computational Mechanics and Medical Engineering, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani, Thailand


PHILOS Locking Plate System, Biomechanics, Finite Element Method


Background and Objectives: While PHILOS plate is popular for treating greater tuberosity fractures of the proximal humerus, it is not specifically designed for such a purpose. The present study therefore aimed to analyze the biomechanics of PHILOS plate under maximum physiological loadings from the Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus tendons to determine if the plate can indeed promote primary bone healing in greater tuberosity fractures.

Methodology: Finite element analysis was employed, applying forces of 200 N and 100 N from the Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus tendons, respectively. The maximum von Mises stress in the system, force on the suture, and maximum displacement and strain between fracture fragments were analyzed.

Results: The maximum von Mises stress in the system was 675.2 MPa, which was lower than the plate's yield strength, with the highest stress at the lowest screw head position. The force on the suture was 46.88 N, lower than the maximum allowable values for the plate and suture. The maximum displacement and strain between fracture fragments were 0.54 mm and 0.004478, respectively; both values were lower than the displacement of 1 mm and strain of 0.02 thresholds suitable for bone healing.

Conclusions: This research demonstrates that PHILOS plate and suture construct can withstand maximum physiological loadings from the Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus tendons without material failure. The strain and displacement values between bone fragments (0.54 mm and 0.004478, respectively) are conducive to promoting bone healing.

Practical Application: The findings from this study are valuable for improving the design of new plate types aimed specifically for treating greater tuberosity fractures of the proximal humerus, potentially leading to better clinical outcomes.


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How to Cite

Watcharopas, R., Kansue, P., & Limtrakarn, W. (2024). Finite Element Model of Screw–Locking Plate with Suture Augmentation for Greater Tuberosity Fracture of the Humerus Bone. Science and Engineering Connect, 47(2), 179–195. retrieved from



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