Correlation between Population of Mole Crab (Emerita emeritus L., 1767 ) and Marine Water Quality at Mai Khao Beach, Phuket Province


  • Wadcharawadee Limsakul Faculty of Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Phuket, Thailand
  • Thongchai Suteerasak Faculty of Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Phuket, Thailand
  • Audomlak Khongsang Faculty of Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Phuket, Thailand
  • Werapong Koedsin Faculty of Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Phuket, Thailand
  • Wiangchai Chongsrirattanakun Scientist Office of Scientific Instrument and Testing, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Phuket, Thailand


Correlation, Mai Kaow Beach, Mole crab, Marine Water Quality


Background and Objectives: Mole crab is an organism that is widely found in Phuket Province due to appropriate food source, environment, topography, and seashore that is conducive to the proliferation of the crab. Mole crab is therefore used as a raw material for Phuket local food and greatly contributes to the income to the local community. This research aimed to study the relationship between mole crab population and quality of marine water of Mai Khao beach, Phuket Province.

Methodology: Relationships between mole crab population and quality of marine water of Mai Khao beach, Phuket Province were analyzed using data of marine water quality index and mole crab population collected from 4 beach stations. All data were collected during the pre-summer period of 2020. Analysis of the relationships between the two variable sets was performed using factor analysis, which is a part of multivariate analysis, in order to determine cofactors between the data.

Main Results: The results revealed clear correlations between 16 bivariate data out of a total of 45 bivariate data. The group of correlated variables could be classified into 2 factors as created in the hypothesis. First, residential environment variable factors consisted of marine water quality indices, i.e., marine water temperature, DO, BOD, and COD, with the R-value ranging between 0.81 to 0.91; these factors were related to mole crab population density and marine water quality. However, only marine water temperature showed positively proportional relationship with the mole crab population density; the rest showed negatively proportional relationships with the mole crab population density. The second group of factors, i.e., dietary variable factors, were related to marine water quality in terms of the relationships with other ecosystems and living organisms; variables belonging to this group were pH value, salinity of marine water, PO4-P, and chlorophyll A, with the R-value ranging between 0.00 to 0.65. These second-group factors were not clearly correlated with the mole crab population density. In addition, some indices did not show any relationships with the above 2 groups of factors, i.e., total nitrogen and total phosphorus.

Conclusions: There were two groups of factors that exhibited relationships between the mole crab population and quality of marine water data. Factor 1: residential environment variable factors, statistically and directly related to the mole crab population density. The related marine water quality indices were water temperature, DO, BOD, and COD. Factor 2: dietary variable factors, related to marine water quality. All indices of this group of factors did not clearly show the relationships with the mole crab population density, but exhibited relationships with other ecosystems and living organisms. The marine water quality indices were pH value, salinity of marine water, PO4-P, and chlorophyll A.

Practical Application: The relationships between mole crab population and quality of marine water indicate the chance of survival of mole crab in marine water. The results could be used to determine and monitor marine water quality if commercial breeding of mole crab is to be conducted.


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How to Cite

Limsakul, W., Suteerasak, T., Khongsang, A., Koedsin, W., & Chongsrirattanakun, W. (2024). Correlation between Population of Mole Crab (Emerita emeritus L., 1767 ) and Marine Water Quality at Mai Khao Beach, Phuket Province. Science and Engineering Connect, 47(2), 145–162. retrieved from



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