Laccase production by diverse phylogenetic clades of Aureobasidium pullulans
Aureobasidium pullulans, laccase, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, veratric acid, ferulic acidAbstract
Laccases (EC have numerous potential industrial applications including the degradation of dyes and toxic materials. Novel sources of this enzyme would be desirable to improve activity yields and substrate specificities. In this study we tested 51 strains of Aureobasidium pullulans representing 13 diverse phylogenetic clades for laccase production. Most strains grew on three different lignin-related substrates as sole carbon sources. Thirteen strains that grew well on these substrates, representing five clades, were chosen for a test of laccase production in an induction assay. Four representative strains of clade 5 produced laccase, indicating that this genetic group may be a promising source of novel activities.
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