Preparation of a mono-dispersed protein stabilized in an oil-in-water emulsion by a multi-staged membrane extrusion method
bovine serum albumin, multi-stage membrane emulsification, polycarbonate membrane, droplet size distribution, and protein adsorptionAbstract
Multi-stage membrane extrusion (ME), a process that extrudes a premixed emulsion prepared by a conventional method through a porous membrane for several repeated cycle, was introduced to prepare an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion. A uniform-size and fine emulsion is produced using this method: this consumes less energy, a key point in maintaining the structure of the emulsifier employed in the emulsion system. In the present work, a hexadecane emulsion stabilized by bovine serum albumin (BSA) was initially produced by a sonicator before extrusion through a polycarbonate membrane. After that, the properties of the resulting emulsion were explored by measuring the oil content after extrusion, the mean diameter of oil droplets, and the adsorption of BSA at the oil-water interface. The multi-stage ME was processed at various permeate fluxes in the range of 0.07-3.8 Ls-1m-2 for 1 to 3 repeated cycles and it was demonstrated that a third extrusion at a permeate flux lower than 2 Ls-1m-2 was successful in producing an emulsion with a smaller and more uniform-sized of oil droplets compared to the emulsion before extrusion
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